I am an artist based in the West Midlands, I have exhibited nationally and internationally. My practice is mainly based around painting, drawing and photography, if you would like to see my work then please view my pages, which are below on the left hand side. In all my work so far I have drawn my influences from my personal experiences. The influences inspiring my work are abstracted, allowing the viewer to generate their own observations and concepts about my work. Personal experiences, mark making, colour and space are the four elements that form the basis of my work, inspiring and driving my practice forward.

Thursday 27 May 2010

New webpage!


I am an artist based in the West Midlands; I have set up this website to help answer any questions about my work, and promote myself as an artist.

My email is alexandrahatfield@hotmail.com please feel free to e-mail me any questions about my work, exhibitions, prices or commissions. My painting 'Jellybug' is currently being exhibited in the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, in Coventry until the 13th June, if you wish to visit and vote for my work.

I have uploaded various pages of my work and exhibitions I have been involved in, please take a look, above are some examples.

Also my work is currently in the degree show Re: View, which there is an online website for:- http://www2.wlv.ac.uk/degreeshow10/fine-art.html